Civic Initiative
Organizations Served | Invitation to Nominate | FAQ | Comfort Letter
Each year, the Firm commits to a carefully selected group of civic, social service, educational, arts, community development or other non-profit organizations that for one year or more we will contribute expertise, experience, time and energy. Each organization uses these resources for some or all of their strategic, legal, and macro financial needs. With respect to legal needs, the assistance has included all of the organization’s legal needs or the organization’s legal needs in a certain area(s), e.g. real estate, employment law, joint ventures, consolidations, compliance with new federal or state laws, contracts, litigation, governance, financing, tax, etc. We call this our Civic Initiative.
The goals of our Civic Initiative include: (1) helping the organization “be all it can be” in serving the multiple and deep needs of the community; (2) contributing to the quality of the organization’s decision making; (3) ensuring that the organization does not let budgetary concerns get in the way of receiving the professional advice the organization needs; and (4) saving the organization the expense for these services so they can redeploy those monies for the increasing needs of the organization and the community.